Business Owner Stories

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Seeking Vision and Owner Janet Rivera

Today, we are excited to introduce you to successful entrepreneur, business consultant, and owner of Janet Rivera. She teaches others on how to best leverage their own skills with their own unique business ideas.

What is your side-Gig? What made you decide to do a side-Gig? How long have you been doing it?

My side-Gig is Start-Up Business Consultant. I have helped many friends and co-workers over the last five years start their business. I started Seeking Vision as a Business Consultant agency that works with their Clients to help them identify their niche in order to bring their business dream passion into a reality. We work with entrepreneurs and established business owners who struggle with the daily challenges of starting and running their business.

What training or education did you have? How did this inform your career path and/or your side-Gig?

I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Management and a Masters Degree in Organizational Management form the University of Phoenix. My Education gave me the skills I needed to have a great career and launch my own business and help others launch their business. I tell my Clients that Education will play a vital role in their business success. Some have challenges of balancing work, family and starting a business but I strongly encourage them to invest in themselves and obtain some type of formal education.

What is the best part about doing a side-Gig?

The best part is seeing my client’s joy when they become self-employed. Every Leader must have a clear vision in order to be successful. Without a vision of the path ahead you have no clear direction of your next step. Leaders must have a vision in order to set the goals and the path that must be followed to achieve those goals.

What was the hardest part about starting a side-Gig? How would you advise others to address this?

The hardest part about starting was balancing my full time job and running our family business. I made the decision to look how I was spending my time and see where I had time to devote to my side-Gig. I advise other to really look at their life and see where they want to be in the next five years. Stop saying to yourself "some day I will have my business" and start working towards that dream becoming a reality! It's never to late to start working on making that dream a reality.

How have you leveraged social media and the web to grow your side-Gig?

I actually have not leveraged social media and the web. My clients have come mostly from referrals and other clients. Their colleagues see how they are starting their business and ask how they can do it too. We are not the traditional Business Coach agency that will automate the training in the hope of getting more clients. We tailor our programs to each client’s needs. Everyone has unique business ideas and our goal is to help them achieve that dream of business ownership.

Many people start a side-Gig to reach financial freedom. Is doing a side-Gig profitable?

I decided to start my side-Gig not so much for financial freedom but to fulfill my desire to help others achieve their own dreams. It’s more of a pay-it-forward type of endeavor for me.

How do you balance your side-Gig with your personal life (family, vacations, leisure-time, etc.)?

Balancing my side-Gig with my personal life is very easy. I enjoy doing it so I don't see it as work. I encourage my clients to start their business in something they are passionate about and not to focus on money as the sole motivating factor. If you love what you do then you enjoy doing it and will work harder at it without even noticing it.

What is your goal in the next 5-10 years?

My goal in the next five years is to help 1,000 clients launch their business.

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To learn more about Janet Rivera and her Company, see below:

Janet Rivera, Start-Up Business Coach