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BayaBooks and Owner PeTika Tave

We are very excited to introduce you to PeTika Tave, a successful author and owner of BayaBooks & More. She exemplifies what it means to be a gig worker because she started her side-business while continuing to work a day-time job. She has many valuable tips and strategies to share with our readers.

What gig work do you do? What made you decide to do this? How long have you been doing it?

The work I do is writing. I am a self-published author of 3 books, so far. I decided to write these books because I have a passion for learning and am often asked to share my stories. Being an educator by day of middle school language arts, helping people learn is what I do best.

My life has been full of triumphs and tribulations, so because of my success in overcoming adversity, people are inspired by me and want me to share my journeys. Finally I have obliged. I've been doing my financial website for a 1.5 years and have been on my author journey since August of 2019.

What training or education did you have? How did this inform your career path and/or your side-Gig?

My formal education is in business, but my career as an educator makes me a great teacher. Having an undying thirst for knowledge and a burning desire to share it helped me in developing my business and is guiding how I proceed. I have a Masters of Business Administration and have been a teacher for over 15 years.

Encouraging students to read is what I do and I often tell them that "if you don't like to read, then write a book you'll enjoy." I never really liked to read fiction books, so to show students what I mean by the phrase, I decided to write non-fiction texts on subjects I enjoy, personal finance and self-confidence.

What is the best part about gig work?

The best part of my work is knowing that I am working for myself, with the goal of benefiting others. In my day job, the company tells me how many hours I am being paid to work for and what my time is valued at - my hourly pay/salary. There is a cap on what my earnings will be each year in my current position, and a cap of what I will earn when I reach retirement.

Doing my gig work leaves the possibility open for unlimited income and growth potential that my day job doesn't provide. Knowing that I am working where the sky is the limit allows my ambition and creativity to soar. That is highly motivating.

What was the hardest part about starting with gig work? How would you advise others about this?

The hardest part about starting was getting started. If you read everything online about what you're trying to do, then it's easy to get overwhelmed and never take the plunge. Paying for courses by others may benefit some people, but usually the information they provide you can easily find yourself, without going into debt.

To avoid this, I'd advise people to find a mentor, which is what I did. I picked her brain for about 2 hours over lunch and left with everything I needed to get started. She was kind in that she wanted nothing in return. She was just glad to help, so I realize I was lucky to have her. Even a mentor is not available, find someone that has started the journey you wish to start and see if you can work together in sharing knowledge. Everyone needs a good person to bounce ideas off of.

How have you leveraged social media and the web to grow your gig work?

I am currently focusing on using two platforms that are most beneficial to me, while exploring the merits of a third. One of my mentors explained that it's better to find the platform that best tailors to your audience and use that one well, as opposed to trying to do all of the ones out there, but in a lack-luster way.

Some businesses are more suited to specific platforms, so visit the major ones and see which ones are best suited for you. The way I am using the ones I chose are to get my business out there and to develop a community of people interested in my work. Know.Like.Trust is a phrase that I hear, so you need people to know who you are, like you and your products, then trust you enough to make a purchase.

Many people start doing gig work to reach financial freedom. Has it been profitable?

I am still in the beginning stages of my journey so recouping my investment will take time. However, I have the hope and dream that my investment will eventually pay off and lead to a steady source of secondary income with unlimited potential.

How do you balance your gig work with your personal life (family, vacations, leisure-time, etc.)?

I work my day job by day and do not take it home. I leave my office when done and stay no more than an hour later, if needed, while not taking work home. When I leave, its done. Then, I focus on family and being a mom. Once the kids are settled and I am in my zone, I dedicate 1 - 2 hours, 3-6 days per week, to devote to my business. That may not be feasible for some as it is light, but it's what I have devoted at this time.

Has your business adapted to the sudden changes of the past couple of months?

Yes it has. Reading is something people do to release stress. The content of my first three books is relevant with teaching children self-love and single parents how to manage their money. Hence, the recent events in our society has not derailed my products, rather, it has helped their message in many ways.

What is your goal in the next 5-10 years?

Over the next 5 years I hope to maximize my promotional and marketing endeavors to build a loyal audience and watch it consistently grow each quarter. I hope that growth will lead to more exposure of my books that will lead to consistent sales growth each quarter as well.

My plans are to publish 4 more books in the next 2 years and start booking guest appearances and speaking engagements to further spread my messages. Being able to collaborate with others - both established and fresh personalities - is also something I aspire to do.

You can find out more about Ms. Tave and her company, BayaBooks & More through the links below:



