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SilCoach and Owner Silvia Ivelisse Perez

We are very pleased to introduce you to Silvia Ivelisse Perez, Life & Leadership coach, speaker, writer, producer, director, and actress based in Miami, Florida. With so many accomplishments, she is definitely a Collegiate Gigster.

What kind of work do you do? Do you also have a side-Gig? If not, do you have any hobbies or other activities you wouldn’t mind developing into a paid Gig?

I am Professional Life and Leadership Coach, member of the International Coach Federation. I am also a motivational speaker, creative writer, producer/director and actress with more than 10 years of experience in the film industry.

What did you study in college? What did you enjoy the most about your chosen course of study?

I studied business administration in college, however I made a career change, obtaining a certification from the University of Miami to follow my passion for empowering others as a certified life and leadership coach.

What I enjoy most about my course of study, is all the new learning I have acquire about the human behavior, emotional intelligence and effective way to promote forward movement in many key areas of life.

How does your education help you in the work that you do today?

The Professional Coach Certification Program has equipped me with the tools and knowledge I need to succeed as a Professional Coach. It has given me the correct strategies to help my clients address specific personal projects, achieve business successes, and general conditions and transitions in their personal life, relationships or profession by examining what is going on right now, discovering what their obstacles or challenges might be, and choosing a course of action to make.

Would you also consider returning to school to learn something new? If so, what would that be?

Even though my time is limited due to my commitment to keeping a healthy work/life balance, I am looking into going back to school to obtain my emotional intelligence certification in mid 2019.

What resources could a site like Colégas provide that would help you achieve your goals?

My main goal in life at this moment is to use my years of experience, my life experience and my coaching certification to help clients from all walks of life be all that they can be through the power of coaching. I believe the Colégas can be a bridge to do just that!

Do you have any advice or professional strategies you could share with our readers?

To be successful in any area, especially in business you’ll need to constantly focus on self-improvement. Awaken your love of learning strength; take every opportunity you have to learn from those who have reached the life goals you are aiming for, and invest time in acquiring the knowledge that you make you stand out from the rest. Develop an effective marketing strategy to carve out your own niche in a competitive marketplace. To do so, you'll need to determine what makes your business different from the rest of the competition and make your “wow factor” the focus of your marketing efforts.

For more information about Silvia Ivelisse Perez, her life coaching, and her many other projects, here is her contact info:

Silvia Ivelisse Perez