and Owner Albert Koetsier


Meet Albert Koetsier, a highly successful engineer, photographer, artist, entrepreneur, and now also a lecturer. Albert is best known for his X-Rayography artwork, which is now sold world-wide, one of the top selling artists on

What kind of work do you do? Do you also have a side-Gig? If not, do you have any hobbies or other activities you wouldn’t mind developing into a paid Gig?

I am a retired engineer who started a new career after retirement as an artist, this was somewhat of a success, but I am retired from the art world now as well. I now teach emeritus classes at UC Riverside, Santiago College, and California State University San Marcos. This is a passion for me, I really enjoy teaching.

What did you study in college? What did you enjoy the most about your chosen course of study?

I studied Electronic Engineering. What I enjoyed most about it was a better understanding of Physics and the physical world around us. I was also a lifelong student of the Arts, particularly music as well as two-dimensional and three-dimensional art. It matched my interest in photography, which is a life-long passion of mine as well. All these things taught me to look, learn, analyze and appreciate the physical universe.

How does your education help you in the work that you do today?

My study at the technical university helps me explain "Ohms Law" to my grand kids (just kidding - it's a running joke in my family). Even while I was working as an engineer, my lifelong interest in art helped me better appreciate and understand the world around me. Engineering is a very practical field, but it also has philosophical applications - just ask any engineer and they will tell you a similar story.

Would you also consider returning to school to learn something new? If so, what would that be?

Yes, absolutely. I would study the psychology of art, if there is such a field, and I also would study quantum physics. You would be surprised, but these fields are not that different on a certain level. It would be fascinating to study these two fields together.

What resources could a site like Colégas provide that would help you achieve your goals?

I don't know yet. I love to teach, so public speaking would be a natural extension of that for me. I suppose everything I've done since I first retired from engineering has been a Gig of sorts. Isn't being an entrepreneur a lot like being a Gigster?

I also appreciate the opportunity to share my thoughts here. One thing that Colégas seems to be doing is giving people a chance not just to empower themselves, but also to share their own experiences in life and in work. This is a very important task, so please keep doing this in whatever way you can.

Do you have any advice or professional strategies you could share with our readers?

Discover what your best qualities are and work to develop these. This will bring you more happiness in all that you do.

To learn more about Albert Koetsier, you can visit his art website at


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