SoulScale and Owner Dr. Nona Djavid


Meet Dr. Nona Djavid, a successful entrepreneur who founded her own practice, SoulScale, that also manages to do quite a bit of good in the world. Not only is she an inspiration to so many people, but she also exemplifies the Collegiate Gigster.

What kind of work do you do? Do you also have a side-Gig? If not, do you have any hobbies or other activities you wouldn’t mind developing into a paid Gig?

I am the founder of SoulScale - a weight loss company with a purpose. We help people lose 2-5 lbs each week with our physician monitored program. We also donate $1 for every pound lost on our program to an orphanage to help kids. in 2018 alone, we donated over $4000 to orphanages around the world.

I am also a mother, an author, and an advocate for women's rights. I am passionate about natural birth when possible and love speaking on informed consent around birth.

What did you study in college? What did you enjoy the most about your chosen course of study?

I studied Molecular & Cellular Biology with an emphasis in Neurology at UC Berkeley with a minor in Philosophy. I have my doctorate of chiropractic degree from Life Chiropractic College. I loved learning healthier alternatives to western medicine and am forever grateful to be able to have it in my back pocket for family, friends, and or anyone I can help.

How does your education help you in the work that you do today?

I had a private chiropractic practice for over a decade that focused on prenatal and pediatric care. This was instrumental in the foundation and passion I have for natural birth process and advocating for it. As a part of my chiropractic education, I have an immense passion and knowledge in nutrition and weight loss with has helped in creating my weight loss company- SoulScale.

Would you also consider returning to school to learn something new? If so, what would that be?

I have always said, I would continue to go to school if I could get paid for it! I love learning about philosophy, the human body, and/or anything related to health.

What resources could a site like Colégas provide that would help you achieve your goals?

Speaking engagements around birth and informed consent.

Do you have any advice or professional strategies you could share with our readers?

Not so much advice, but perhaps a quote I live by: "I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink into a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply all my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will train my potential until it cries out for mercy" - Og Mandino

To learn more about Dr. Nona Djavid and her practice, you can follow her on facebook.


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