Kim Peirson and Mermaid Krush

This past weekend I had the pleasure of meeting Kim Peirson, who makes beautifully ornate frames using seashells and frosted glass. I was instantly drawn to the pieces because my father was a photographer and often made images of seashells. I wondered how one of his pieces would combine with one of Kim’s pieces. Below, Kim shares her story of how she started this business, just last year.


Can you briefly describe what your business does?

I am selling seashell/crushed glass framed artwork- every single piece is handmade by yours truly, and one of a kind. You won't find anything similar!

Where did the idea come from?

I have enjoyed creating all my life. I am a scuba diver and the ocean is my zen. The art I am making brings these together into something that I love doing. I am very lucky to have a sister-in-law who is an artist and my mentor. She taught me her tricks of the trade. I have been creating these pieces as a hobby for many years- she finally convinced me to start selling - and I dove in headfirst!!

Can you describe your typical work day?

I work from home unless I am at a show. I am a solo operation, except for the help I get from my adult children who both support me enthusiastically in this endeavor (I'm a very lucky gal)

My workspace is my garage, my living room, and my kitchen.

My typical workday varies significantly- I would say that one of my struggles is having a disciplined schedule. But I do a little something every day - "something is better than nothing"

What is your best-selling piece:

My bestseller is the "mini" piece- (glass in the frame measures about 2" X 3"). The price is $20. I believe that the price point makes it a best-sellers since it is an affordable way to own a pretty, little piece of art.

What do you feel sets you apart?

I have been told that the art I produce is very unique. Although there are a lot of ocean-themed handmade items out there-customers can know that no one else will own what they have in their home.

How is social media important to your business?

I am currently using Instagram, which my daughter is managing for me - the younger generation is definitely more savvy with social media! I am exploring ideas on starting a website - I am looking to BOSS for some tips on that endeavor.

What are your thoughts on working with computers?

I use a Chromebook and my iPhone. I am keeping paper business records at the moment.

What do you think of outsourcing work?

Since I am just starting, I am doing everything myself. I am currently taking webinars from CDTFA to learn about properly collecting and paying sales tax.

Do you manage customer retention and do you have an email mailing list?

I am not using any email services for customer lists yet. I am aware that my Square payment service does keep a list of customers, and I may use that in the future.

How do you balance work and personal time?

Currently, I am making products ahead of time so that I can enjoy vacation/leisure time when the opportunity arises.

What are your thoughts regarding the environment, social issues, and being a partner to the community?

I have partnered with the community by donating pieces of artwork to fundraisers/silent auctions for non-profits that I like to support.

What is the outlook for the future of your business?

I am hoping to have some items in brick-and-mortar stores in the next year, and then larger pieces in galleries within 2-3 years.

Do you have any final thoughts for the readers?

As the old saying goes- Do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life!

PS-ask for help, ask lots of questions

PSS- If you know that everything you do might not work out the first time, it makes it easier to see everything as a learning opportunity. 

If you would like to contact Kim Peirson or inquire about her art, you can do so here:


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