Adjunct Professor Lauren Frances Guerra Ph.D.


Today, we are honored to have a fellow Gigster, Lauren Frances Guerra Ph.D., share her experiences with us. She also happens to be bilingual in English and Spanish, another fantastic asset.

Q. What kind of work do you do? Do you also have a side-gig? If not, do you have any hobbies or other activities you wouldn’t mind developing into a paid gig?

"I'm an adjunct professor of Chicano Studies, focused on Latinx Religion [ed. Latinx is a gender neutral term used in lieu of Latino or Latina]. I have done translation (Spanish-English) before. I have blogged in the past for the Forum for Theological Education group. I have mentored and reviewed graduate school applications.  I've also lead day long retreats and can do ministry/church related work."

Q. What did you study in college? What did you enjoy the most about your chosen course of study?

"As an undergraduate...I was a dual degree student: Bachelors in Spanish and Bachelors in Theology with minor in Philosophy. On the theology side...I love critical thinking and existential questions. I'm also very committed to social justice. On the literature side, I adore being part of the Latinx Culture and reading Latin American literature. I always wanted to be fully bi-lingual which is why I pursued Spanish."

Q. How does your education help you in the work that you do today?

"I'm teaching and writing.... I love being able to be very interdisciplinary."

Q. Would you also consider returning to school to learn something new? If so, what would that be?

"Possibly- I've considered medical school and law school."

Q. What resources could a site like Colégas provide that would help you achieve your goals?

"Learning to use social media more intentionally to market my skills."

Q. Do you have any advice or professional strategies you could share with our readers?

"I would encourage readers to find a mentor, if they don't have one already. If they are in academia especially, having a support network at your institution and outside of it are critical!!"


GradPipeline and CEO Lynette Correa-Velez, M.Ed.