Ph.D. Consulting by Dr. Angel Jones


Introducing Dr. Angel Jones and the Ph.D. Consulting business. An educator and researcher, Dr. Jones provides individualized support for students at any stage of the graduate school process, from application to graduation. She is also a public speaker and conducts workshops and trainings to support universities and organizations.

What Ph.D. Consulting does:
I provide equity-based trainings to help organizations cultivate actively inclusive environments for students and employees.

Typical work environment:
Currently, the majority of my work is done remotely. However, once it is safe, I will travel to meet the needs of my clients.

Training and education for this type of business:
The training that has benefitted me the most has been a combination of my personal, professional, and academic experience. My work is informed by my PhD in Inequality in Education, 15 years experience as an educator, and a lifetime as a Black woman in predominantly White spaces.

On being part of the gig economy:
I have never considered myself a "gigster." I see myself as someone who seeks to meet the needs of my clients through service, education, and advocacy.

Benefits of this business:
The best part of what I do is being able to educate others and bring about positive change. Helping others reach their greatest potential will always make my heart smile.

Difficulties starting a business:
The most difficult part of starting a business is believing you can do it. I never saw myself as an entrepreneur, so embarking on this journey has been scary. However, every time I hear a client share how grateful they are for my work, it reminds me that I am exactly where I should be.

Social media and the business:
Social media has been the main way I get business. I started by sharing content about who I am and what I believe in, and this drew people to my page. Giving them a glimpse into who I bring to the table has encouraged them to hire me so then can learn more. My business wouldn't be where it is now without social media.

On "making it" and success in the gig economy:
I originally started this work as something to do in the interim while I found a "real" job. However, I have experienced so much success, and enjoyed the process so much, that I have changed my mindset. My business IS a real job and I am so grateful for it.

Balancing work and personal time:
When working for yourself, it is easy to allow "work time" and "personal time" to overlap. However, I have been intentional about blocking off times in my day that are designated for each.

The impact of the pandemic:
I have adapted to the impact of the pandemic by focusing on the positives. Remote work has actually helped my business more than it has hurt it. Thanks to the reliance on virtual communication, I have been able to book gigs that I might not otherwise have had access to. I am using this time to build partnerships that I believe will continue once things return to in-person.

The future of the business and the gig economy:
My business has consistently grown each month and I am hopeful that it will continue. I want to help support as many organizations as possible as they work towards positive change for their students and employees.

One piece of useful advice:
The most important thing I learned is that a business isn't built overnight. It takes patience - both with yourself and the process, consistency, and a willingness to push through fear and insecurity.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Company Info:



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