Rene Everling and her Amazing 3D Printed Figurines
As I’m always looking for something new and different, here is an artist that caught my eye right away. If it isn’t the iridescent colors of the figurines, then it will be the unique designs that will draw you in, too. I’ve seen many 3D printed designs in the past, but Rene has managed to build her designs into an actual business and they are hugely popular. Below, she shares some of her thoughts on building a business from her art.
Can you briefly describe what your business does?
We 3D print dragons and other mystical creatures.
Where did this idea come from?
My husband has always been fascinated with dragons. As 3D printing became more prominent, he decided he would dabble in it. Because they were so popular, we started to do small popups in our area and the business just took off from there.
Can you describe your typical work day?
The business involves my husband and myself. This is not our full-time gig; he works as an X-ray tech and I teach. We do pop-up events almost every weekend. Our home is our office for our small business. We house 3 printers that are always printing our items.
What would you say are your best-selling items?
Our best-selling items are our mini dragons. They fit well in the hands of most people who come to our booth.
Our daughter in the booth.
What would you say sets you apart from the competition?
At this time, what sets us apart is the 3D printing process and how the figures can move. As we do more fairs, we do come across other vendors offering 3D-printed items as well, but our items are quite unique.
How is social media important to your business?
As you know, we mainly use Instagram. Social media is very important for small businesses like ours. Of course, if you don’t post as much as possible it can become detrimental to the business, too. Small businesses need to have that presence to make it because going to fairs and events may not be enough. We try to post as much as possible but with full time jobs and family it can be hard.
What are your thoughts on working with computers?
We use an HP laptop and a smartphone app that allows us to use the 3D printers, even on the go. I think tech is going to become more individualized for each small business. That is why each business owner needs to find what works best for their own business.
What do you think is the outlook for the future of your 3D printing business?
I am not sure just yet. As our children get older we may do more events but for now, the time we set aside to go to events is good for us now. We believe that success is defined differently for each business owner. For us, this small business is quite successful. My husband had that interest and we turned that into a small business. I think that is something not every person is able to do.
Do you have any final thoughts for our readers?
Don’t give up. It may be hard in the beginning but it can take off, especially with the right mindset and attitude.
How can people find out more about Rene and Mystical Merchants Realm?
You can reach via email at:
and of course, you can find us on Instagram: @mysticalmerchantsrealm.