Free Computing for Solopreneurs? - 1.The Challenge

OK, PC Computers aren’t as stylish as the latest iMacs, but when the budget is tight, they make a perfectly fine computer to get online and start your business. Photo courtesy of Laurent Peignault -

OK, PC Computers aren’t as stylish as the latest iMacs, but when the budget is tight, they make a perfectly fine computer to get online and start your business.
Photo courtesy of Laurent Peignault -

Free Computing for Solopreneurs? - Part 1

Entrepreneurs don’t have huge budgets for computers. That said, a reliable workstation essential for writing, managing projects, keeping track of expenses, and basic day-to-day work is essential. Likewise, if something should happen to the computer, it’s a serious issue and there aren’t many options when funds are scarce.

In addition to the cost of the computer itself there is also the cost of the software. Sure, a new laptop can be had at Best Buy for a few hundred dollars, but then that is still expensive, not to mention that there is the additional cost of a monitor, accessories, and software to consider as well. Most softwarem by the way, is subscription-based, so that can add up quickly as well.

As a former IT manager myself, I am often the go-to-person when a computer breaks and I do a lot of this for volunteers, solopreneurs, local folks, and small businesses that do not have ample means to support their computers properly. I do suggest open-source & free alternatives for software to save costs, but that involves off-brands and unfamiliar ways of doing this.

This is not the case with larger companies and organizations who have large budgets and seldom consider alternatives, even when there is a clear cost-benefit case to be made. I had this very discussion with a colleague of mine who still works for a large organization. His institution receives great discounts on computers and software that small businesses and entrepreneurs simply don’t have access to. Hence the cost-benefit discussion is moot for his employer.

He followed that up with a challenge to me: if I’m going to recommend non-commercial, free alternative computing solutions to others that I help out, why not do this myself? I didn’t see that coming, but I’m up for a challenge, so OK, fair enough.

I should mention that I am now heavily involved in managing computing for a small business. I’m a planner so I’ve standardized primarily on a commercial (& expensive) computing environment. How will I be able to work such a system into this environment and my daily workflow. Is this even possible?

That is what I am going to explore in this new series of articles: Free Computing for Solopreneurs? I will make every effort to stay as close to the concerns and needs of entrepreneurs and their tight budgets. To that end, my goals will be:

  1. Keep the cost of this computer to an absolute minimum

  2. Have as little impact on existing operations as possible

  3. Keep software & hardware as simple as possible

  4. Consider long-term viability for this solutions

There are other blogs out there that cover this in a general way, but none of them are really targeted at small one-person operations and gig workers. Free Computing for Solopreneurs? articles will be for our specific audience and I hope it will offer real alternatives. I can’t say at this point whether every solution will be a resounding success, but I do hope that it will be interesting, entertaining, and that it will offer real savings to those of us who really need them.

If this speaks to you, then I encourage you to follow along. Who knows, you may implement some of my suggestions and learn a thing or two on the way. In the next article I will tackle the first issue everyone comes across: finding a free computer.

Michael Koetsier

I am the editor of Business Owner Stories, a website about small business ownership. If, like me, you are running a small business, or just in the planning stages of a side-hustle, this is the place to find answers. All the interviews and articles are by and for business owners.


Free Computing for Solopreneurs? 2. The Search Begins


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