Amanda Allen Fitness


This month, we are happy to introduce you to Amanda Allen, a full-time mom with a full-time job, and who still found time to build a successful side-business as a fitness and nutrition coach. I think her secret is her enthusiasm and positive energy. Hmmm, come to think of it, I could probably use some fitness training myself - these winter months have not been kind to my mid-section, ugh!

Amanda, what is your side-Gig? What made you decide to do a side-Gig? How long have you been doing it?

Social marketing for a health and wellness company. I've been doing it for almost 5 years and started it when I had been laid off from my corporate job. I realized I had to create a plan B so that I would always have a financial safety net for the future. But it had to be something I was passionate about. My passion is empowering people to feel their best, so they can show up as their fullest self to work, home, and everyday life. This gig goes along perfectly with my personal training business and gives my clients the resources they need to create and sustain healthy lives and families. I am also passionate about the environment and my side-gig allows me to be a part of a business committed to sustainability and being zero-waste.

What training or education did you have? How did this inform your career path and/or your side-Gig?

Master's in Exercise Science
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Inflammation, mood, emotional health, and physical well being are all connected, and food is the key to achieving a healthy life. So while I can physically train, stretch, and help someone get their muscles strong, without healthy eating there will be no progress. With my side gig, my clients learn how food affects them and empowers them to make life long healthy eating choices.

What is the best part about doing a side-Gig?

Time freedom! With personal training, I'm limited to how many clients I can reach, but with my side gig, I can help folks across the country and unlimited numbers of folks at at time. Plus, I can work it on my own schedule, fitting in the nooks and crannies of my day.

What was the hardest part about starting a side-Gig? How would you advise others to address this?

Staying committed. There is no boss setting goals for me, I'm responsible and sometimes it's easy to slack off and wait till "tomorrow." I use a planner, with my goals written down and work everyday. I also think about the person I haven't met yet, who needs my help, whose life I am going to change, and I can't give up because they need me.

How have you leveraged social media and the web to grow your side-Gig?

My business is almost all social media based. I share my journey daily and show how easy and fun it can be to focus on health. Since my side-gig is all web based, too, I can direct clients to my side to get more info and order there.

Many people start a side-Gig to reach financial freedom. Is doing a side-Gig profitable?

Absolutely! But I have to work it like a business, not a hobby. The tax incentives are amazing, and the relationships I've cultivated along the way are priceless. And with my business so focused on zero waste, even though the impact on the planet cannot be measured by dollars, that is worth millions to me.

How do you balance your side-Gig with your personal life (family, vacations, leisure-time, etc.)?

Whatever I'm doing, I do my best to be fully present in the moment. Family time, vacations, and more are possible because of my side-gig. Taking 5-10 min to do a social media post is essential for my business and my family understands that. One day, my side gig will be my full time income and with that goal in mind, I can easily integrate my side gig into my family time.

What is your goal in the next 5-10 years?

To continue to change 100s of lives with the power of nutrition, and encourage more people to link arms with me for a better environment. I will be able to work my side-gig as my full time job because I love it, the energy it gives me, and the impact I have on the world for future generations.

To find out more about Fitness and Nutrition from Amanda Allen, you can find her online at:


30 Days to Healthy Living Blog


Visual Art by Wilhelmina Grant


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