Visual Art by Wilhelmina Grant

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This month we are honored to introduce Wilhelmina Grant, who makes beautiful mixed media artwork and also teaches art - the world needs more teachers. Her wonderful artwork and life experience are an inspiration to everyone.

What gig work do you do? What made you decide to do this? How long have you been doing it?

I have been doing arts instruction at senior centers. I started working in hospital settings in 2011. Doing this work allowed me to financially support my visual arts studio and career.

What training or education did you have? How did this inform your career path and/or your side-Gig?

I am a self-trained visual artist, in other words, not formally trained at an arts school. I regularly attend arts workshops given by other artists and arts organizations. In addition, I use the internet and books to expand my knowledge.

What is the best part about gig work?

As a consultant, I love being in charge of my own schedule and being able to shift gears as many times and in as many directions as I feel necessary.

What was the hardest part about starting with gig work? How would you advise others about this?

Sometimes it is difficult to get a booking (or a contract for continual work). Fortunately for teaching artists, senior centers are becoming more and more receptive to hiring artists to provide arts workshops for their participants. I believe that word of mouth is probably the best way to get referrals.

How have you leveraged social media and the web to grow your gig work?

I have not yet used social media to promote my work at senior centers, however, I have used it to schedule workshops for the general public.

Many people start doing gig work to reach financial freedom. Has it been profitable?

Arts instruction at senior centers has been very lucrative for me. It is a skill that translates into a valuable service for their constituency.

How do you balance your gig work with your personal life (family, vacations, leisure-time, etc.)?

My gigs are scheduled on set hours/days so I can plan my life around my assignments.

How has your business adapted to the sudden changes of the past couple of months?

Unfortunately, all of my senior center gigs have been put on hold since the beginning of March. I have been able to do a small number of on-line presentations to the general population, but those opportunities did not make up for the losses in revenue.

What is your goal in the next 5-10 years?

I would love to continue building my art collection by doing more of my personal artwork in the studio. I do enjoy instruction and anticipate that it will always be a part of my activities.

To find out more about Wilhelmina Grant and her artwork, please visit her website or you can email her directly.


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