Business Owner Stories

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Jennifer Main Gallery

Bold colors, creative technique, and interesting subjects stand out when you first walk by Jennifer’s booth. Then when you strike up a conversation, you realize the years of experience and knowledge she brings to her art. It was a pleasure to get to know Jennifer, and she has a wealth of information to share with our readers, especially the business side of being an artist.

Jennifer, can you briefly describe what your business does?

My name is Jennifer Main and I own the Jennifer Main Gallery. I have been a full-time artist for over 20 years selling my colorful original paintings, prints, and drawings. I also have a boutique side to my business where I sell fun, unique jewelry, purses, and novelty gifts! I love to paint and sell items that bring joy and encouragement!

Where did the idea come from to become an artist and start a business?

I was motivated to start a business from early on. I was excited even as a shy girl growing up in Las Vegas to make and sell things. It felt natural to me. Then, when I was a teenager making art in school, people would ask to buy my work and I thought that was so exciting!!

I also tried a normal job at 17 years old at an art store for a few months and realized I hated working for so little money and couldn't stand being stuck on their schedule. At that same time, I bravely put my art in a gallery and it began to sell well so I quit my hourly job and jumped into being a full-time artist with no backup plan. Some years later I stepped out and started Jennifer Main Gallery on my own.

To be an artist no experience or training is required, but I believe there needs to be some God-given talent to start, but then it was important for me to develop it, so I went to a magnet high school for the arts which helped me grow, find my style, and get my work seen. I also did a pre-college Summer program at the Chicago Art Institute that really stretched me. I also realized I didn’t want to go to college, but to just learn through experience which is how I have learned to run a business and be a professional artist.

You just dive in, make some mistakes, and learn as you go! It’s not always easy, but I think learning from hands-on experience is the best teacher!

Can you describe your typical work day?

I work from home at the moment and am currently doing a few pop-up shows each month. We live in a one bedroom apartment right now and I set up what would be the living room space to be my desk space as well as my studio space, so we don’t have things like a couch or a TV there! There’s always a way to make it work!

Over the years I have had many different work set-ups and have had my own retail stores or separate art studio/office spaces. I realize I need to always stay flexible because seasons change. I am so happy to live and work in our home right now!

Right now I am mainly a one-person operation with my husband helping me a bit. I don’t have employees now but I have in the past.

What are some of your best-selling pieces?

For my art, the items that are in the $25-$75 range are the best sellers. I have some cool 5x7 canvas prints on easels I call my Mini Masterpieces which are $25 each and those have been selling well. My other top-selling items are my earrings (which I don’t have on my website yet). They are generally $12-$15

What do you think sets you apart?

My business is unique because I am unique and I truly get to share my story, faith, and my style through my art and fun products. I think something that makes me stand out is that all of what I do is inspired by my love for Jesus and what he’s done in my life. I get a lot of feedback from my customers of how it inspires and brings joy!

I usually have a bible verse that is connected to each item. There is a lot of ‘competition’ in my industry, but I don’t really see it as competition. There’s room for everyone and I see others doing a similar thing as inspiration and motivation. I think the key is FULLY BEING YOURSELF and FULLY BELIEVING IN WHAT YOU’RE SELLING. Genuineness and passion will naturally draw people.

How is social media important to your business?

I mainly use Facebook and Instagram. I stay consistent on both of them and get about the same number of sales or interest through each. I produce most of my content using Canva or In-shot for videos. I take photos of my products often using my phone so I can keep it simple.

Social media has been very important for me to stay in communication with my customers and show them what’s new!

What are your thoughts on working with computers?

I have always used a PC and an android phone. I also love using Google for all of my business stuff including my backups. I have always used Gmail. I also like using Google Photos for storage and organizing them into albums for sharing. I only use Google Docs and Sheets. I like how all of it is so easy to use!

What are your thoughts regarding outsourcing work?

I manage my own website and social media. I use Shopify for my website which is at I also do my own bookkeeping and computer support. For now I don’t use any outside help, but I am not opposed to having help. I do like how handling it myself allows me to keep branding consistent and to be personally aware of all that’s going on.

How do you manage customer retention and/or Email lists?

In the past, I have used Mailchimp and sent out monthly emails which were helpful. One of my goals is to get back to doing that. As a one-person business everything takes time, so I may be looking into having a social media manager or using an app to help.

How do you balance work and personal time?

I love having a to-do list every day with a reward at the end and with ‘mini rewards’ in between a few finished tasks. I love crossing things off the list and having a visual in front of me for what needs to get done.

For example, a reward would be dinner with my husband. A mini-reward would be a 15-minute walk with my Frenchie or taking a coffee break. I usually keep Sunday as a free day for personal time. Though, as a business owner, there is definitely always work that can be done so it can be challenging to turn my work-brain off at times.

With family and close friends, I try to schedule a get together at least once a month and I also schedule weekly phone calls. It’s so important to plan these things ahead or else important relationships can easily get squeezed out and things become lop-sided.

For training and new skills I go to YouTube and I make sure to position myself near people I want to learn from.

What are your thoughts regarding the environment, social issues, and being a partner to the community?

These things don’t play a part in my business operations in a specific way. I simply try to do things without being wasteful or harmful to the environment. I embrace all people and try to offer something that can reach all budgets. I just don’t cater to or feel super passionate about giving special attention to these issues.

What is your outlook for the future?

I know for me in the art industry, it used to be that I would sell and show my work in galleries as well as my own. That seems to have shifted and I don’t rely on that so much anymore.

Now I sell my work better through my website and social media so I plan to grow my social media presence. I want to get better at making reels! LOL! I plan on developing my YouTube channel. I want to use it to sell my art and my boutique items, as well as using it to teach and share how to paint and run a business as an artist. I would like to have the channel become monetized.

On another note, I also realize that I really enjoy being out of the house and getting to meet people so I plan to continue doing local pop-ups. I think a lot of beautiful connections in business happen very naturally that way. God knows how to connect the dots when we put ourselves out there!

In 5-10 years I expect things to grow quite a bit so I also plan to have a team to help me. To me, success is making a living doing what I love and getting to share the goodness of God in all that I do! My heart is to inspire others to step out and do what they were created to do, as well as to spark some genuine JOY by seeing my art or buying one of my fun items!

Do you have some final thoughts for the readers?

Just do something each day towards your goal; taking small steps to stay in motion. Write your vision down and break it into smaller to-do lists with dates that they need to be done. Start local and start simple. I would also definitely start sharing regularly on social media. It’s free and is such an amazing tool to get feedback!

Also, keep a broad view in mind at the same time so you don’t get tripped up on the things that don’t seem successful right away. There will be some hard or unsuccessful shows, or even missed attempts in your business adventures on the road to the successful ones. Nothing is wasted when you learn from each of them.

You have to have the grit to keep on keeping on! Some of my seemingly worst shows ended up being the most successful ones years later because someone would take my business card, save it, and contact me years later to make a large purchase! You never know!

Always look for the good. Review what went well and what needs to be tweaked every time you try something new. Always present yourself with excellence no matter what. Be patient in growing your business and know you can always change it. Also, be sure to believe in yourself and your product.

YOU MUST LOVE WHAT you’re selling or offering. Your own genuine passion for what you do will naturally draw others. Also, be realistic about your pricing and get feedback. Don’t shoot too high too fast. I started selling my originals at $50-$600 when I was starting out and as people bought them consistently, I gradually increased my prices. Now my originals sell at $500-$10,000 (even up to $30,000).

Wow, that’s impressive! Thank you for all the useful information. I think many artists starting out struggle to see how to grow. I hope that your experiences offer some insight.

How can people get in touch or see your art online?

Here is where you can find me online: