Pop-Up-Booths Are a Great Way to Start a Business But…
You shouldn’t just limit yourself to a single source of revenue with your booth. You also need to provide other options for customers to buy your products.
A Secret Benefit of Hiring Your Kids in California
Is California’s Retirement Plan Mandate one more costly regulation small business owners need to worry about? Well yes, unless your employees are also…
Let’s Do Some Drugs… No, Not the Illegal Kind!
Let’s see how highly successful people are motivated. I’m talking about people like Bill Gates, Michael Jordan, Richard Branson, Simone Biles, and Will.i.am. They have managed to be dynamos in their respective fields...
Trimming the Fat: Consider the Apps a Solopreneur Can Do Without
if you’re like most solopreneurs, you probably have a ton of apps cluttering your screen, but how many do you really need for your business? Maybe it’s time to trim the list…
When Your Goal is Selling Premium Products, Offer a “Marketing Line” As Well
Want to sell premium products at a premium price? Yes, that’s the goal of every business, but the question is how to break into that market. Perhaps hi-fi can shed some light on how to get there.
Interesting Things I’ve Learned from Interviewing Small Business Owners
For the majority of us, building a business happens without a manual, so I decided to start asking those who know a thing or two about it. Over the years, I have learned some fascinating things that…
Pop-Up Booth Strategies for Small Businesses
Whether you are selling art, crafts, or consumables, pop-up fairs and shows can be the backbone of your business. Consequently, they are also a great way to find new customers.
The Benefits of Hiring Your Kids for Your Business
There are many benefits to hiring your kids to work in your business, but will these benefits apply to your business?
Inflation is Not All Bad for Business
Not all small businesses need to struggle with inflation. Some can do very well, and even those that aren’t can change slightly to meet demands.
Succeed on Medium by not Writing Every Day
Don’t be this guy. Don’t work yourself to the bone late into the night to reach a large audience. Instead do this to grow your following.
Use the Warren Buffett Method and Take Written Notes
So what made Warren Buffett so successful? Was it his amazing ability to note things others would simply forget? Want to know how he remembers things?
Where are you? Why your website fails to convert
Could it be that the reason your website doesn’t convert is because you are not making a connection? Where are you on your website? Can your customers/clients trust you?
Why I created Business Owner Stories
Most other websites don’t tell you what it’s really like to start a small business. Do a Google search and this is what you find: shady funnel sites trying to sell you a get-rich-quick scheme, or large media sites writing about businesses that have already made it big. So what if you are neither, where do you go for answers? That is where Business Owner Stories comes in. It is for the rest of us: the startups, the solopreneurs and the mom & pop shops. We highlight the real stories of starting a small business, the owners who make it happen, and how small businesses find success…
So You Just Lost Your Job, then Think Like an Entrepreneur!
Entrepreneurs think differently. When things don’t go their way, they pivot; they know who to work with and they visualize success. If your career is taking a bad turn, then think like an entrepreneur!
5 Things You Can Do to Fight Inflation
Forget all the doom & gloom that you’re hearing about inflation. Large companies are making important adjustments to survive and thrive, and there is no reason your small business can’t do the same.
How to start earning the day after you leave your 9-5 job
After you leave your job, you need to decide what to do next and find a simple way to earn income. Fortunately, this is possible in a few simple steps…
Why You Should Have a Tribe
Why are we talking about this on a blog about small businesses? Because small business owners should have one too. If you are a small business owner and haven’t created a tribe yet, then this article is for you.
Why a College Degree Does Matter
College critics assume that students spend their days sitting through stuffy lectures, buried in books, and doing homework. It’s as if colleges had not evolved from Middle Age monasteries - this is a very narrow-sighted view.
Why Conferences are Ideal Places to Network
Owners don’t always have time to attend conferences to network, but WonderCon was both a huge opportunity to do that and also a lot of fun!
How to Afford Leaving a 9-5 Job
What does it take to leave a steady job and join the gig economy? It requires a plan and consideration for your unique experiences. So what if you lack those?